Sphinx Virtuosi in Residence at Newport

Newport Orchestra is very excited to announce that The Sphinx Virtuosi will be in residence at Newport High School March 4-6, performing, teaching, and adjudicating.

About the Sphinx Virtuosi

The Sphinx Virtuosi is a dynamic and inspiring professional, self-conducted chamber orchestra that serves as the flagship performing entity of the Sphinx Organization – the leading non-profit dedicated to transforming lives through the power of the arts. Comprised of 18 Black and Latino artists who reflect the highest level of musicianship in America, a critical aim of the Sphinx Virtuosi is to evolve the breadth and impact of classical music through artistic excellence, pioneering programming, and impassioned community engagement.

Why Sphinx?

Newport Orchestra had the opportunity to meet the Sphinx Virtuosi in March of 2024 when they performed in Louisville at the National Orchestra Festival, sponsored by the American String Teachers Association.


The Newport Chamber Orchestra was so moved by the Sphinx Virtuosi’s performance of the double Double Bass concerto Galaxy by Xavier Foley that many of them leaped to their feet and yelled “I love you guys!”


The Sphinx Virtuosi’s encore performance of Habari Gani by Quenton Blache was so inspiring that they decided to perform it themselves at the National Orchestra Festival in Atlanta this year.

The Sphinx Organization

The Sphinx Organization is dedicated to transforming lives through the power of the arts and has reached more than 100 million people worldwide.

Based in Detroit, Sphinx envisions a day where every young person has the opportunity to express themselves and learn classical music, where audiences reflect the people we see on our streets, and where leadership includes all deserving voices.

The Sphinx Virtuosi members serve as cultural ambassadors for audiences and communities around the United States during national tours. During community engagement events, the musicians interact with the audiences of all ages and demographics through a variety of engagement activities. Their work transforms lives by addressing the systemic lack of access within Black and Latino communities.

Opportunities to Participate

There will be many opportunities to interact with the Sphinx Virtuosi that will be open to the public, even for those who aren’t musically inclined. These events are designed to provide inspiration for all of our orchestra students district wide, to increase public awareness of the opportunity for all students to participate in music, to promote conversations with community leaders that create a better understanding of the barriers to participating in music, and to discuss programs that foster the training required to achieve a high level of success for all students.

Public School Concert

All Bellevue School district middle school orchestra students will be invited to attend a special performance at Newport High School during the school day at 10:00 am on Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Roundtable Discussion

Newport Orchestra will host a roundtable discussion with members of Sphinx, music students, district leaders, and community stakeholders at 1:00 pm on Tuesday, March 6, 2025.

Newport Masterclass

Sphinx Virtuosi will teach a public masterclass featuring Newport Orchestra students performing chamber music at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, March 4, 2025.

Side By Side Concert

Sphinx Virtuosi will perform a special evening concert featuring Habari Gani by Quenton Blache alongside Newport Orchestra at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Eastshore Orchestra Festival

Sphinx Virtuosi will perform and serve as adjudicators at Eastshore Orchestra Festival on Thursday, March 6, 2025

Developing Young Talent

We will empower young artists by encouraging, developing, and recognizing classical music talent while addressing access and systemic obstacles within our communities.

Our Sponsors

Primary Sponsors of the Sphinx Residency at Newport High School are SONO (Supporters of Newport Orchestra), the Eastshore Music Region, and the Bellevue Schools Foundation. However, we are still short of full funding for the Sphinx Residency at Newport, and we would really appreciate your support.

Help Fund Sphinx at Newport

Help us to transform lives through the power of the arts by making a donation today!